The race for the White House
The magic 270! A seemingly mundane number but not so much during election night in the USA. At least 270 electoral votes are needed for Biden or Trump to make it into or stay...
The magic 270! A seemingly mundane number but not so much during election night in the USA. At least 270 electoral votes are needed for Biden or Trump to make it into or stay...
The 4th of July may be a day like any other here in Germany, but in the USA it’s a day all about fireworks, parades and barbecues! 242 years ago, on the 4th of...
Leseratten aufgepasst! In der Livesendung geht es diese Woche um die Amerikanische Bibliothek in Karlsruhe – die Geschichte der beliebten Zweigstelle und ein Blick hinter die Kulissen. Von der Spelling Bee über Bibliothekarinnen von...