Sugar and fantastic stories
In the new episode „Windy Sugar & Fantastic Shifter Stories“ of our new Engineered Unicorns Podcast SandyJ gives book and magazine recommendations. Maddening and downright rassist real world industry practices are revealed in „The case against sugar“ by Gary Taubes (available in the American Library Karlsruhe).
A break from the real world provide the books of Forthright „Tsumiko and the enslaved fox“ and even more so „Kimiko and the accidental proposal“. Veritable comfort reads finds SandyJ.
For some insightful and aestetically pleasing reads the Katapult Magazine is recommended (Only in German).
Listen to the new episode on sunday, April 5, at 7 p.m. on Campusradio Karlsruhe.
Musik: Erwin Schmidt